Interview made with three people working in Timisoara

Abolishing the Borders from Below, 2006

What are the issues you work on?

Lately I work in an ecologist NGO, active in the closer area of Timisoara. In the cultural centre INCA I am more into the technical stuff, not so much in these theoretical views.

I have a running distro, with d.i.y. music and fanzines, and some publications made by different groups in Romania, I play in 2 bands, working and organizing concerts for bands. Together with a few of our friends we try to keep this cultural center INCA, some months ago we had a campaign to save this place from city eviction. Away from this I work on a little fanzine, published from time to time.

I’m working more in issues directed to woman, antisexism and anarchofeminism, but not only. Some months ago was happening the first “love kills festival” which was promoting female punk bands and anarchofeminist ideas. These days there was a meeting with some girls from Timisoara, Bucarest and Craiova, to better organize this festival and make it in different cities. Also we want to set up a common fanzine with topics for example medical issues, like drug use and his effects and aggression related issues, stuff like this.

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Romania (infoshop in Craiova and Timisoara)

Abolishing the Borders from Below, 2003

Infoshop in Craiova

Aanarchists activists from Craiova, Romania, will open an infoshop in short time. It is a space with two floors but they can only use the upper room and there gonna be library and infoshop and they will use it also for metings, workshop, video projections… The place is situated in the center of the town so it is gonna be very practical and they hope that the impact of activities there will be very big.

They need some support, especialy: issues, zines, books, video tapes, audios and everything printed on xerox with/for anarcho purposes. You can contact with them at this adress: and you can help them sending any kind of materials on this adress:



BL. , APT.



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