No-Border CAMP in 9-15 June (TIMISOARA 2003)

Abolishing the Borders from Below, 2003

Starting with the mid 80’s, Europe started to throw it’s border regime and legisltation. In 1990 Schengen convention was adopted by which common standard on migration policy were established for all member states. All the countries of the European Union, except UK and Ireland, signed this agreement. Starting with that moment, asylum seekers from outside EU could ask for asyluum only in the country they succeded to reach. This thing made is impossible for immigrants to choose freely the resident country in conformity with, for example, the language they knew to speak or the place where their family or friends were.

Plan of action

In 9-15 june, Timisoara, a city placed in the west part of Romania, near the borders with Hungary and Yugoslavia, will be zhe scene of the first Noborder camp in Romania. This camp will mean 7 days of actions, discussions and workshops around the central problem – freedom of movement and establishment for everybody. The camp aims to unite activists, imigrants and artists from all over Romania and Europe, to create an environement for communication, exchange of information and debates about migration and border regime.

NoBorder Timisoara will be a practical demonstration of collective and participants abillities of organisation and administration of their own actions during the camp, on non-hierarchical basis and self-managemen. This attempt asks for everybody’s active participation, the camp being planned as a diy project.

Main action that will take place: discussions, workshops, working groups, video projections, concerts, direct action, performance, parties, discussion points like

*freedom of movement – fundamental human rights; UN high commandment for refugees

*Schengen Information System – electronic borders, social control.

What is the SIS?

The SIS is the central piece of the border regime in Schengen region, projected for centralisation of the dates, concerning immigrants and refugees control, SIS is used also now for search and find the people considered „dangerous”. All 13 member states of schengen agreement are participants in the SIS under legal but also logistic aspects. Although UK and Ireland are not a part of schengen space and so they are not part of the same visa regime, an official raport shows that the two countries have a in EU’s efforts of stopping ilegal migration and organised crime.

SIS data base contains recordings made in each EU member state, agencies from EU countries being interconnected through thousands of terminals, this thing allows them to persons wanted for deportation or arrest, or suspected for being a danger for national security and for public order.

These data base contained at the end of year 2001, 10541271 recordings including also between 1,3 and 6 milions of names. Siemens and Nixdorf and Bull roup have projected and offer for SIS intrastructure and also the soft interface, and sema group is the one who’s providing the SIS management.

In the present SIS 2 is being projected, which will allow identification with the DNA and biometric recordings (recognision by the ins), the dates held by SIS are available for Europol and Eurojust. The number of the new entries in SIS increased seriously after september 11 2011.

Migration, globalisation, work

Detention centers for imigrants, imigrants rights, international legislation, regarding imigration, romanian legislation regarding migration, detention centers for immigrants in Romania.

Refugees and imigrants are some of the most vulnerable members of society. The number of asylum seekers in the detention centers has grown very much over the past years. People who are not suspected for commiting any crimes are locke dwithout trials, many times for many months, in detention centers which are actually prisons from all points of view. The incarceration is subjective, arbitrary. Ilegal, useless and unjust. People who have done nothing wrong are locked away for undefinite periods waiting for the beureaucratics proceedures for solving their problems and demands. Asylum seekers are put in domestic prisons, facing injuman treatment, racism and segregation.

Capitalism, corporate politics, UE enlargement, the WEF, FMI, G8

The leaders of the (capitalist) world are preaching about a so-called „war without ending” who’s destination is to protect western values and civilization, to justify theyr military actions and the support they offer to opressive regimes.

In the name of protecting „out way of life” through military campaigns, they are actually trying to get unrestricted acces for western corporations to all resurces they need. Through international financial and trade institutions like the IMF, wolrd bank, WTO, the west takes advantageof the economic domination and power to impose the rest of the world poliics which will favorize theyr interests, leaving behind nations sinking in debts and poverty. As a consequance, people from this kind of places, brought to poverty by western exploitation, are being forced to leave, to imigrate looking for a better life, risking persecution and death.

Pollution, animal rights

Lead by their needs and desires to achieve always more profits and bigger ones, capitalism extends globally, resulting in a process of degradation of the environement in it’s way. Abusive exploitations of the natural rsources, together with pollution and carbon emissions have determined rapid changes in the global climate, more and more people being forced to leave theyr homelands because of floods, deforestations, and other forms of environement destruction. We’re witnessess of the mass extinction of many animal and plant species – of the eco-system.

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